In an interview with Chuck Garfien of earlier today, White Sox general manager Kenny Williams said that his club won’t go after Albert Pujols if he becomes available as a free agent following the 2011 season.
Hardly surprising information given that the White Sox signed Adam Dunn and Paul Konerko to multi-year contracts over the winter, but what was more interesting was what Williams said about the possibility of the game having a $30 million player.Yes, at least for a moment, Williams appeared to advocate the idea of another work stoppage in MLB. He continues:
“Jerry Reinsdorf put it best when he and I had a conversation about it, he said, ‘It’s a shame that our game is played, and when the game starts, everybody plays under the same rules, the same 27 outs. The problem is, before the game, the rules are completely different.’”
“I personally, from a competitive standpoint, would love to be on an even playing field with everyone,” Williams said. “But it’s really difficult for me to complain too much when we still have a higher payroll than some of the others. So at least we have a fighting chance.”
Oh, so Jerry Reinsdorf wants a salary cap. Of course he does.
Williams must have felt someone tap him on his shoulder -- or maybe he just remembered how the concept of a salary cap in MLB is a tired and silly notion -- because he quickly came to his senses and attempted to put the genie back in the bottle.
Too late, Kenny.