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What the heck happened with Chip Caray’s twitter feed last night?

This is ... odd.

Chip Caray’s Twitter feed last night tweeted the following, which appears to be Caray snarking on a news headline regarding the Aurora shooting to make an anti-Obama point (i.e. the “brighter day” will come when Obama is voted-out in Novemeber):

Caray Tweet


As The Outside Corner blog details, Caray’s followers called him out as insensitive, after which Caray almost immediately said his Twitter account was hacked. His feed then goes on in detail to explain that he was hacked, he didn’t say that thing about Obama and then asks for help in trying to change his password on his iPad.

But also, as The Outside Corner notes, if Caray was hacked, it’s kind of an odd hack as immediately before and after the tweet in question, Caray tweeted a bunch of things that would be typical for someone like Caray to tweet. Talking baseball, congratulating Ron Santo on his Hall of Fame induction, etc.

In a world in which everyone who says something dumb on Twitter immediately claims they were hacked ... what do we make of this?

UPDATE: I’m told by people who follow Caray regularly, both on Twitter and Facebook, that he routinely slams Obama, so the hacker, in addition to sharing his interest in talking about baseball, shares the same political views as well.