Pop quiz, hot shot!
There are eighteen members of the Marlins traveling party infected with COVID-19 in a hotel in Philly. They live in Miami. You can’t fly if you are infected but the mini bar bill is gettin’ pretty big and everyone misses their wives and kids, so you gotta get ‘em home.
What do you do? What do you do?!
News out of Philadelphia where the Marlins have been holed up for over a week: Team is getting sleeper buses to take the infected players/personnel back to Miami. That's a long ride
— Jesse Rogers (@JesseRogersESPN) July 31, 2020
Rest will stay, then head to Baltimore, NY and Buffalo for what will be a really long road trip
It’s about an 18 hour drive to Miami from Philadelphia. And no, I have no idea how you get someone to volunteer to drive a bus with a dozen and a people infected with an outrageously contagious, untreatable and incurable disease 1,200 miles, but I have to assume there is some danger pay involved. Maybe the upside to this is that someone could write a pretty spiffy screenplay out of this, and it may as well be you? I dunno. Just spitballin’ here.
Anyway, in case you think that the 2020 baseball season has not turned dystopian enough, we are about to have plague ships full of baseball players roaming the eastern seaboard.