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The Yankees are going to be wearing godawful caps in spring training

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Spring training is a big business now and teams make a special effort to wear -- and sell -- variations on their uniforms and caps which are unique to spring training. Which, hey, everyone’s gotta make a buck I guess.

Some of these spring training duds are better than others, however. As can be seen at, who was tipped off by one of their readers as to what the Yankees spring training caps are going to look like. Would you believe . . . pinstripes on the bill of the cap?

I think I speak for everyone when I say that teams should go back to the old system of working out in private in some secluded location like Catalina Island or some swamp in Louisiana, breaking camp, playing a couple of barnstorming games and then starting the regular season.

Some of you may miss spring training and I understand that, but this is for the good of the game.

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