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The story of Matt Anderson’s comeback

Matt Anderson

Last week we noted that the Phillies had taken a flier on former Tigers’ prospect Matt Anderson. Today Jerry Crasnick has a great feature story on him, what he’s gone through the past few years and how he’s approaching his comeback. Oh, and he also makes a point to debunk the Anderson-hurt-himself-throwing-an-octopus story. Just read the whole thing, because context matters.

My favorite part, though, is when Anderson talks about having to get his game gloves back from former teammate Robert Fick, who had them at his home in California for some reason:

First Anderson drove from Louisville to Atlanta to say goodbye to the kids. Then he headed west to California to see his friend and former Tigers teammate, Robert Fick, who had possession of the two game gloves -- a Mizuno and a Rawlings -- that Anderson used during his last stint in pro ball.

After continually badgering Fick to send him the gloves, to no avail, Anderson figured it would be easier to just pass through California on his way to Phoenix and pick them up in person.

“For Robert to muster up what it took to go to the packing store, find my address and all that stuff, I didn’t think that was going to happen,” Anderson said.

Having watched Robert Fick attempt to play baseball for the Braves in 2003, I have absolutely no trouble whatsoever believing that the guy couldn’t get his act together enough to mail a freaking package.

Like I said, though: great story from Crasnick. It’s enough to get even a Braves fan like me to hope that Anderson makes the Phillies out of spring training and shines upon his return to the bigs.