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The Singing Hot Dog Man at Comerica Park has been fired

Anyone who has been to Comerica Park for a Tigers game in the past decade or so is likely acquainted with Charley Marcuse, better known as The Singing Hot Dog Man. Well, he is singing at Comerica Park no more: he’s been fired by Sportservice, the company which manages the vending for Tigers games.

Marcuse was a polarizing figure at Tigers games. Some folks loved him. Some folks hated him. That latter group included the Tigers, who have wanted him gone for years and who complained to Sportservice on multiple occasions about his singing and eventually got him to agree to only sing between innings so as to lessen the distraction.

Which, fine. But it’s pretty friggin’ hilarious that in an age where ballparks blast music constantly at ballparks some guy doing some fake opera about hot dogs is considered a distraction. Personally, I would have put an end to the Nickelback and crap like that before going after the hot dog guy, but that’s just me.