Jeff Passan of Yahoo! reports that the Red Sox’ use of Toradol was contrary to state law and industry guidelines. Specifically: Passan quotes Curt Schilling -- and, importantly, two other sources who are not Curt Schilling -- who say that the Red Sox’ trainer routinely injected it into players despite state laws which prohibit sports trainers from doing do.
Toradol, in the news recently because of Jonathan Papelbon saying that the Phillies would not let him use it, is a legal anti-inflammatory. It’s more powerful, however, and has been linked to serious side effects. Many teams use it -- many also via injections from athletic trainers -- but it remains controversial.
Passan reports that the methods of Toradol injection on the Red Sox weren’t, if his sources are correct, in compliance with the law. Indeed, they sounded downright furtive:
Major League Baseball investigated Reinold and the Red Sox and last year issued an edict forbidding trainers from injecting players with Toradol. Whether the state gets involved and investigates depends on whether someone files a complaint. Which seems unlikely, but who knows?
Interesting stuff.