The Best: Look, when you’ve only been around since 1993, there’s not a ton to work with. They didn’t have anything historical from which to draw, so a lot of good modern classics are non-starters. At the same time, they began business after the Era of the Unfortunate (a/k/a the 70s) concluded so they don’t have anything to run from either. As a result, we’re dealing with a very limited spectrum here. I suppose they look as good now as they ever have, but that’s not saying much.
Worst: Season one’s teal nightmare still causes me to wake up screaming. Also, they, like so many other teams, seem to enjoy looking like they’re perpetually in batting practice, what with liberal use of black alternate jerseys. Note to every baseball team: you can still sell black shirts to all of the young hip kids you want buying them without making your baseball team wear them on the field as an organizational marketing arm.
Assessment: I understand, but I really wish the Marlins would break away from tropical colors. The Heat did it, so there’s obviously no law that says you gotta look like the Dolphins if you play in South Florida. Here’s a suggestion: ever seen a real marlin? They’re dark blue and silver-gray with some minor orange accenting. Think about it.