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Teams will be wearing some ugly hats on the Fourth of July

Spare me your patriotic talk. Not everything that has the stars and stripes on it is worthy of praise. And just because Major League Baseball is, once again, putting the stars and stripes on ballplayers’ caps on the Fourth of July doesn’t mean we have to pretend that these caps don’t look ugly. Via UniWatch:

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It’s not even the flag pattern that’s the problem. It’s the white/gray, which very rarely looks good on a cap. Well, the flag is a problem on Chief Wahoo. I’m sure native Americans love having the stars and stripes superimposed over the racist logo to give it the sheen of a national endorsement.

They make and sell these every year. And I don’t think they’d keep selling them unless people were buying them. But I can’t remember ever seeing anyone wearing these caps out in the world, can you?