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Ryan Braun, Scott Feldman honored

And you thought the awards season was over:

Professional baseball stars Ryan Braun and Scott Feldman received off-season honors December 23, getting named the Most Valuable Jewish Players of the Year by an organization dedicated to celebrating Jews in the national pastime.

Jewish Major Leaguers, a Newton, Mass., not-for-profit, selected Braun as its player of the year and Feldman as its pitcher of the year. This is the second time the organization has awarded the titles. (Players honored by Jewish Major Leaguers must identify as Jewish and have a Jewish parent, or be converts.)

I’m struggling to think of one reason why the organization doesn’t call their hitter of the year honor “The Hank Greenberg Award” and their pitcher of the year honor “The Sandy Koufax Award.” They’d certainly get a lot more press if they did. Maybe there are some legal implications here. I wouldn’t know. The State of Ohio just sent me my letter officially designating me an “inactive” lawyer now that I’ve left my legal practice. Going forward, if I pretend to know anything about the law I’m probably violating some ethical rules or something.

Anyway, a hearty Mazel Tov to Messers. Braun and Feldman.