The list was written in April, in the hand of Biogenesis of America clinic founder Anthony Bosch. Among the names is the Milwaukee Brewers’ Ryan Braun, and to the right of that name is a figure: $1,500.
That list, a source familiar with Bosch’s operation told “Outside the Lines,” indicates that those players received performance-enhancing drugs from Bosch, and owed him money. The document, one of dozens obtained by “Outside the Lines,” suggests a closer link to Bosch and the now-shuttered clinic he ran in Coral Gables, Fla., than Braun has acknowledged.
As before, this is not definitive proof of anything and, in and of itself, does not establish that Braun did anything wrong or give Major League Baseball grounds for action. We simply don’t know whether the Biogenesis records accurately reflect what occurred (they are the very definition of hearsay).
But: Braun gave a pretty specific explanation for his name appearing in those records in the first place. And it’s inconsistent with what Quinn and Fish are reporting here.
I believe you have to give guys the benefit of the doubt when the evidence does not give you anything more to go on than supposition and conjecture. But there’s no escaping that this, at least on the surface, contradicts Braun’s previous explanation and that’s not a good thing for Ryan Braun.
UPDATE: This may all be sexy, but it may not matter.