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Roberto Alomar accused -- again -- of concealing HIV

In February 2009, Roberto Alomar was sued by an ex-girlfriend, who accused him of (a) being HIV positive; and (b) infecting her having sex with her without telling her of his status. The most notable thing about it at the time, I think, was the girlfriend’s salacious narrative in the complaint itself, in which she described Alomar as being extremely sick and possibly near death from late-stage AIDS. The suit settled quickly, and because Alomar made public appearances soon afterward looking like regular old Roberto, most people assumed the other parts of the suit were inaccurate too, and that it was settled simply to dispose of the nuisance.

Now another suit has been filed against Alomar alleging that he had sex with someone despite knowing that he was HIV positive and without telling her. This time it’s his soon-to-be ex-wife. Who, at the time of the last suit, was his girlfriend and vigorously defended Alomar against the old girlfriend’s accusations. Her name is Maria Del Pilar Rivera. She’s a former model and television personality in Puerto Rico. She also recently accused Alomar of domestic violence in Miami.

No one knows what goes down in a marriage except the people in it, so we have no idea if what Rivera is saying is true. It’s worth noting that this is the second sworn complaint filed against Alomar to this effect. It’s also worth noting that at the time of the last one, Rivera accused the plaintiff of being a liar. Given these facts, her suit could just as easily be righteous as it could be an exercise in opportunism in advance of a big divorce settlement. If we’ve learned anything recently, we’ve learned that crazy stuff can come out of divorce cases. Sometimes it’s true. Sometimes it’s not.

Hopefully this works out well for everyone involved and we can spend the winter talking about how the BBWAA had better not screw Alomar out of his rightful place in the Hall of Fame again as opposed to this depressing nonsense.