Paul Lukas of Uni Watch, as he often does, asked readers to redesign the Houston Astros uniforms. And, not surprisingly given their name and past colors and iconography readers had to work with, the submissions are fantastic.
You can see the ones Lukas likes the best and some of the design flairs he highlights here. All of the submissions are here.
My only quibble: so few of the submissions use the classic star-H logo, which is almost impossible to beat. It’s just so perfect and satisfying, and even if I’ve never totally loved the Astros uniforms overall, I can’t think of an isolated design element I like more than the old Star-H.
Although if they adopted the cap shown in this submission, I bet they’d sell a billion of them to dudes like me who watch “Deep Space Nine” and “Battlestar Galactica” on the treadmill every morning.