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Ranking my 10 favorite baseball movies of all time

OK, so yesterday I linked to IMDB’s list of the top 10 baseball movies of all time and suggested that any list ranking “Fever Pitch” ahead of “The Natural” while leaving “Major League” off entirely is sort of tough to take seriously.

Of course, it’s a lot easier to pick on another person’s list than it is to come up with your own list, or at least to come up with your own list and publish it on the internet so other people can pick on it.

With the trio of disclaimers that I haven’t seen some prominent baseball movies since I was a kid, did not include/consider documentaries, and put approximately 20 minutes of thought into compiling this entire thing, here’s my top 10:

1. “Bull Durham”
2. “Major League”
3. “The Bad News Bears”
4. “The Sandlot”
5. “A League Of Their Own”
6. “Eight Men Out”
7. “The Natural”
8. “Field Of Dreams”
9. “Moneyball”
10*. “Mr. Baseball"/"Rookie Of The Year"/"Little Big League”

* Yeah, that’s technically 12 movies. Whatever. As always, complaints can be lodged via Twitter.