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Prosecutors drop Manny Ramirez’s domestic violence case because his wife “was uncooperative”

Manny Ramirez, Juliana Ramirez

Oakland Athletics’ Manny Ramirez gives his wife, Juliana, a kiss following a spring training baseball workout Friday, Feb. 24, 2012, in Phoenix. Manny Jr. at left while Lucas is at right. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)


Manny Ramirez was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery for allegedly slapping his wife in September, but TMZ reports that Florida prosecutors have dropped the case.

Asked why, a representative for the State Attorney’s Office told TMZ: “The state dropped the charge because the victim was uncooperative. She successfully avoided being served with a state subpoena and is believed to be out of state.”

“She” is Ramirez’s wife, Juliana Ramirez, who made a public appearance and was photographed alongside Manny and the couple’s children early in A’s camp.

In her initial call to police on September 12 she alleged that Ramirez slapped her in the face and the police report confirmed that she had marks consistent with that story. Ramirez later claimed that he was grabbing her by the shoulders during an argument when her head hit the headboard of their bed.