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Pace Car: Angels and Yanks rocking nine-man bands

Kudos to the Angels and Yankees, who have put together a couple of the most well-rounded lineups of all-time. Or at least it’s headed that way.

As noted on Baseball-Reference Blog, the Angels could have 10 players with 100 hits. The only other team to do so was the 2004 Tigers. Meanwhile, the Yankees have 9 players on pace for at least 40 extra-base hits. That feat, too, has been accomplished only one other time - by the 2003 Red Sox.

In other words, the Yankees could become the first team to have 9 players with at least 40 extra-base hits without the use of steroids or female fertility drugs. I kid, I kid.

By contrast, the Mets will probably only have one player - David Wright - to go over 40. Coincidentally, Wright is the only Mets player who has more homers (8) than his jersey (5). Gary Sheffield (10) is currently tied, but even with more than a month to go, topping that isn’t a sure thing.

Also, Mark Reynolds continues to put up the least hyped awesome season ever. He’s currently on pace for 51 HR, 111 RBI, 224 K, 28 SB, and nearly 20 errors. Again, one of the most action-packed lines we can remember.

Finally, for those of you into the whole magic number thing, here are a few:

Yankees: 36
Tigers: 40
Angels: 38
Phillies: 37
Cardinals: 35
Dodgers: 38