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Oscar Taveras was drunk during fatal car crash

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Sad update from Dionisio Soldevila of the Associated Press ...

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) -- Dominican officials say St. Louis Cardinals rookie outfielder Oscar Taveras was drunk at the time of his fatal car crash last month.

Tessie Sanchez, a spokeswoman for the attorney general’s office in the Dominican Republic, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that toxicology reports showed Taveras had a blood-alcohol level five times the legal limit when he lost control of his car Oct. 26 on a highway in Puerto Plata.

In the aftermath of the crash we were reminded about the poor road conditions in the Dominican and heard many calls for change. That’s still a worthy cause, but the culprit in this case was Taveras’ decision to drive his vehicle while under heavy influence of alcohol. His girlfriend, 18-year-old Edilia Arvelo, also perished on that October night. A horrible shame.

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