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Occupy Yankee Stadium! The Yankees raise the price of bleacher seats

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The Yankees have either kept prices level or even lowered some prices on tickets for 2012, but the bleacher seats are another story:

New York said Tuesday the price of bleacher seats will be $20 and $12 next year, up from $15 and $5. “The $5 bleacher seats sold for about six times face value and were bought up by ticket brokers,” chief operating officer Lonn Trost said. “The folks that really wanted it for affordability couldn’t get it.”

This will no doubt rankle some folks. The Occupy Yankee Stadium people are probably going to mobilize now due to the little guys having his prices raised. If that happens, let’s not let any supply/demand nonsense enter into the discussion, because I think (seating) class warfare at a ballpark might be pretty entertaining.