I guess I missed this with the playoffs, but this note at Chicagosidesports.com (found via Baseball Think Factory) is a bit sad:
I’m not sure why it’s sad. I’ve only been to Wrigley, like, three times. Each time I had Old Style because that’s what you do, but I think I’ve two other Old Styles in my entire life because, really, Old Style is pretty unremarkable beer. Not the worst. Not the best. It’ll do. But really, it probably owes more to local nostalgia and things like that for its sales figures than most beers do.
And of course they weren’t selling it in Wrigley for free. Beer in the ballpark is a business, and if the Anheuser-Busch folks have made the Cubs a more attractive offer, that’s how it goes. You can’t get Ballantine’s at Yankee Stadium anymore. Life goes on.
What do you think, Cubs fans? More importantly: why?