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Minions: stand down

Nixon China

Jeff Pearlman wrote something reasonable and reflective over at his personal blog in the wake of this morning’s nonsense. Go read it.

Jeff: you have no need to apologize to me, though I do appreciate the gesture. You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe and the last thing I think anyone should do is to hold back if they feel passionate about something. I don’t think you crossed any lines in what you wrote.

That said, I agree with a lot of the sentiment of Pearlman’s post. I get into a lot of little scrapes like this because that’s just how I’m wired. I think Jeff does too, because that’s how he’s wired. It happens. And it’s just sports, so it’s worth taking a moment for perspective once in a while.

I think Jeff and I still disagree pretty vehemently about a lot of issues, but it’s nice when people can disagree and be polite about it. I don’t always succeed at that, and I’m not happy with myself when I don’t live up to the standards to which I aspire. I think Jeff probably feels the same way.

(psst! Minions: please leave a number where you can be reached if I need you, OK?)

*And no, I have no idea if I’m Nixon or Mao in that pic. I just wanted a picture of a couple of people who could be civil with one another when necessary despite the worst parts of their nature and stuff. Please don’t read anything into it.