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Michael Young will not be the Rangers’ next manager

michael young getty
Dallas Morning News columnist Evan Grant has the story ...

The Rangers search for a new manager will not include Michael Young.

During a conversation with GM Jon Daniels Tuesday about the position, Young decided against pursuing the position.

Young clashed with Daniels during the end of his 13-year tenure as a player for the Rangers, but the two patched things up earlier this year at a wedding and Daniels told the media after Ron Washington’s sudden resignation that he had a “lot of respect for Michael” and would consider all options in his still-ongoing search for a replacement.

But, as Grant writes Tuesday, the 37-year-old Young has three young sons and wants to spend more time with his family than a major league managerial position would allow: “I’m honored to be considered for the position of Rangers’ manager,” Young told Grant. “I appreciate everything the Rangers organization has meant and done for me, my career, and my family. Having said that, I recognize the immense time commitment a manger’s position requires, and at this point in my life, it’s not the right fit. I retired to spend more time with my family and I’m enjoying this chapter in my life.”

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