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Mets fans don’t want Yankees fans on their bandwagon

Mets Fans

The New York Times has a piece up today in which some Mets fans -- interviewed at a sports bar following Tuesday night’s Game 3 win, so you can imagine their state of lucidity -- were asked whether it’s cool for Yankees fans to temporarily adopt the Mets as their rooting interest.

One would think that it’d be nice to welcome people on to your bandwagon. The more the merrier, made all the merrier still by the fact that you know they’re just bandwagoners and that you’ve been living and dying with the Mets your whole life. But nah:

At Union Grounds in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, where the Mets’ march to victory blared from three walls of TVs, Jamie Meyer, 31, a film editor, used a drastic metaphor to make his point.

“It’s like postwar Germany,” he said. “ ‘Yes, I was a member of the Nazi Party during the war. But sure, I’ll come over to your house.’ No, you can’t. Some really horrible things have happened.”

That’s certainly a well-reasoned and perspective-laden bit of opinion there from Mr. Meyer. Indeed, it’s exactly like former Nazis wanting to come to your house in 1946. Really, no different at all.