I watched Jeff Kent on “Survivor” last night so you didn’t have to ...
• For the second straight episode Kent was the first contestant mentioned in the “previously on ...” opening montage, so the producers are clearly trying to make him one of this season’s stars.
• Kent figured out that one of his tribe mates, Jonathan, had secretly found the hidden immunity idol that everyone else was searching for. Kent’s reaction was to get angry at himself for not finding it first, saying: “I give him props ... that’s a pure veteran move.”
• A few moments later Kent began scheming about how he could turn the tables on Jonathan, concluding that “we might be able to pull a little blindside.”
• Kent’s tribe received immunity for winning a swimming/puzzle-solving challenge, although unlike last week’s immunity challenge Kent didn’t actually do a whole lot. His injured knee, however, no longer appears to be an issue.
• After the immunity challenge Kent took Jonathan aside and got him to admit that he had possession of the hidden immunity idol. Jonathan then tried to form an alliance with Kent, who acted interested in the idea and replied: “If it means I need to ride in your boat because you have some knowledge and some power, then I’ll ride in your boat for a while.”
• They came to an informal agreement and shook on it, but Kent later admitted: “I gave him a four-finger handshake, not a manly five-finger handshake, because I’m not so committed. In my book, unless it’s a manly handshake it’s not going to count.”
• Seriously, that’s a direct quote. And then he justified the whole thing by saying: “This is a me game, not a we game.”
• On the episode-ending preview of next week’s show “Jeff plays ball with Jonathan” was one of the highlights and Kent was shown seemingly realizing that he suddenly had some decision-making pull, saying: “I can control some people.”