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Is Jose Bautista asking for ump trouble?

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This story in the National Post about Jose Bautista arguing with umpires over the strike zone is interesting. Here’s a quote he gave Tuesday night after feeling like he got screwed on a couple ball/strike calls:
“Sometimes I have trouble more than other players dealing with my production being affected by somebody else’s mediocrity,” he said. “It’s just the way I am as a person. It’s a tougher pill to swallow for me sometimes.”

Buster Olney, in linking this story on Twitter this morning, had this to say:

Jose Bautista’s words are going to get A LOT of attention in the umpires’ world, w/his reference to “mediocrity.”…

— Buster Olney (@Buster_ESPN) April 5, 2013

We all know umpiring can be ... erratic. But sometimes there’s a price to be paid for being correct in your criticism of authority, especially if it’s couched in the kind of “we all know those guys are awful” way Bautista couched it. Even if the evidence points out that Bautista is being unequivocally boned at the plate, I’m not sure what he accomplishes by calling out the men in blue like this.