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Happy birthday to the greatest announcer of all time

I first listened to Vin Scully call a Dodgers game when I was about 20 years old and he was around 75, yet immediately became such a big fan that I frequently tuned into their games on the MLB Extra Innings package despite a two-hour time difference and absolutely no allegiance to the Dodgers whatsoever.

Since then I’ve probably watched the Dodgers play more often than any team except my beloved Twins, solely because of how much I enjoy listening to Scully.

He is without question the greatest announcer I’ve ever heard, which is remarkable considering I didn’t hear him until he was 75 years old and had already been on the job for five decades. I can’t even imagine how good Scully must have been in his prime, if only because I can’t imagine anyone being better than what I’ve heard for the past seven or eight seasons.

Anyway, today Scully turns 83 years old. To celebrate, here’s an audio clip of him announcing the ninth inning of Sandy Koufax’s perfect game on September 9, 1965. Believe me, it’s worth a listen: