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Former WVU quarterback Pat White retires from baseball

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Matt Freed/Post-Gazette West Virginia quarterback Pat White readies a throw against Cincinnati Saturday. shot 111106. football

The NFL didn’t suit former West Virginia Mountaineer quarterback Pat White too well -- you gotta be able to throw in that league -- so he tried his hand at baseball, where he was once a standout. In fact, he had been drafted by the Angels and the Yankees in the past, so it wasn’t silly for him to give it a go.

But alas he has lost any baseball-fu he ever had, as he just announced his retirement. He had signed with the Royals and played in the instructional league last fall, but he never showed up to spring training and told the Royals today that he’s done with baseball.

I guess he and Major Harris will now sip lemonade on rocking chairs someplace, talking about what could have been.