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Carlos Beltran sent Jon Niese the $10,000 for his nose job

jon niese nose

Prior to being traded to the Giants last season Carlos Beltran encouraged Mets teammate Jon Niese to get a nose job and even said he’d pay for it.

Niese had the rhinoplasty surgery in October, but when he showed up to spring training with a new schnoz he wasn’t certain if Beltran would actually cover the $10,000 bill.

Beltran later promised that he would and sure enough Adam Rubin of ESPN New York reports that Niese received a check from the now-Cardinals right fielder.

On one hand telling someone they need a nose job is probably frowned upon, but on the other hand paying $10,000 for them to get that recommended nose job seems mostly nice. In related news, tonight I’m going wig shopping for Calcaterra.