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Cardinals, White Sox postpone their home openers

Cleveland Indians v St Louis Cardinals

ST. LOUIS, MO - JUNE 26: The tarp covers the field during a rain delay prior to a game between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Cleveland Indians at Busch Stadium on June 26, 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri. (Photo by Dilip Vishwanat/Getty Images)

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Opening Day and home openers are a big deal, so unless you play in a dome or in California, Major League Baseball gives you an off day after your opener in the event that is rained or snowed or colded out. Two teams are taking advantage of that this week, with both the St. Louis Cardinals and Chicago White Sox moving their home openers to Friday due to predicted inclement weather.

Tomorrow features an 80% chance of rain and thunderstorms in St. Louis. In Chicago they’re expecting much the same thing and temperatures in the 40s to boot. Friday looks much better with a much lower chance of rain and temperatures in the 60s for St. Louis and the 50s for Chicago.

Play ball. Eventually.

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