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Watch: Tiger reveals crazy facts, including one course he’s never played


Think you know everything about Tiger Woods? Chances are you’ll learn something new by watching Woods’ sit-down with caddie Joe LaCava on this recent GolfTV video.

Here are some things that jumped out at us:

• LaCava had “about 100 beers” the night of Woods’ Masters victory this year.

• Woods always keeps a Milwaukee marker, not a Sharpie, in his golf bag.

• Muhammad Ali was Woods’ favorite athlete growing up.

• The “greatest feeling shot” that Woods has ever hit was this fairway-bunker shot at the 2002 PGA Championship at Hazeltine.

• LaCava has “never actually seen [Woods] cook or make anything.” Woods responds, “I know I can boil water.”

• Woods says there’s “no chance” that Giants win more games than the Raiders this season.

• Woods has never played Pine Valley (?!?!).