Callaway Golf announced late last week that a small number of its TOURi golf balls (less than 1 percent) exceeded the USGA’s weight limit. As a result, Callaway asked the USGA to remove the version with the old sidestamp from the List of Conforming Golf Balls and replace it with a new sidestamp that features two dots on either side of the word TOURi. The old sidestamp will come off the list effective June 3, 2009; the new stamp was added on May 6. Packaging for TOURi balls with the new stamp will feature the words TOUR AUTHENTIC on each sleeve.
The ‘heavy’ balls exceeded the USGA’s weight limit for golf balls (45.93 grams) by a fraction of a gram, or approximately half the weight of a U.S. dollar bill. In theory, the heavier ball will travel farther if struck solidly, but not enough to make a noticeable difference.
Unless you’re competing in professional or high level competitions, you can continue to play the ‘heavy’ balls with the old sidestamp. It still conforms to the Rules of Golf and can be played in handicap rounds. Only those golfers playing in competitions that adopt a specific Condition of Competition must use the ball with the new stamp, beginning in June.
Some Callaway TOURi golf balls exceed weight limit