Swing speed is an increasingly important factor when it comes to determining the ball that suits golfers best, and a recent example of that development is the new Speed Regime from Callaway.
These tour-level balls with urethane covers come in three models, and each is geared toward a specific range of player. The SR 1, for example, is designed for those with swing speeds of 90 miles per hour and below, while the SR 2 is best for those players who range between 90 and 105 miles per hour. As for those who get above 105 mph, there is the SR 3.
The big differences between these balls are the individual aerodynamic profiles, which are a function of surface geometry, and the actual makeups of the covers. Consider the SR 3. Callaway engineers say they worked to minimize drag as much as possible during the start of this ball’s flight, when it is experiencing its highest speed, so that it would fly longer. But they believe that minimizing drag in the first stages of ball flight is not as critical for those swing speeds below 105 mph.
So, with the SR 2, they worked to give it a proper balance of low drag at high speeds and good lift at low speeds. As for the SR 1, the fact that it is made for slower ball speeds mitigates the need to create low drag right away. Rather, the focus with this model is on lift at lower speeds toward the end of flight, when the ball is descending.
With regards to the urethane covers, which are made to produce tour-like control around the greens, SR 1 has the softest and SR 3 the firmest, with the SR 2 cover right in between. And all models feature a dual core for optimal spin separation.