Earlier in the week, we all spent a few too many minutes scouring YouTube for footage of Michigan linebacker Jonas Mouton throwing an upper-cut under the helmet of Notre Dame center Eric Olsen.
Irish fans spent much of the week complaining that the Big Ten refs that officiated the game missed more than a few big calls, one of the more egregious being the punch that Mouton delivered under Olsen’s chin.
Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez threw a little gas on the fire himself, when he said Mouton wouldn’t be disciplined for the altercation, claiming he “didn’t see anybody throw a punch or anything like that.”
Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany disagrees.
“The actions of Jonas Mouton during the Notre Dame game are unacceptable,” Delany said in a statement. “Mouton’s behavior has no place in the sport of football or the Big Ten Conference.”
Not that it makes last week’s loss feel any better.