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Penn State’s James Franklin will have family stay in Florida this season to protect 12-year-old daughter, who has sickle cell disease

The man in charge of the Penn State football program will have a decidedly different family situation if the 2020 season goes off as planned.

This past week, James Franklin made an appearance on HBO‘s Real Sports with Bryant Gumble. During the offseason, Franklin and his family spend a significant amount of time at their second home in Destin, Fla. According to the Penn State head football coach, the family will remain in that home as he prepares for the 2020 season in State College. And will continue to remain there during the season even as Franklin works from Happy Valley.

The reason? One of Franklin’s daughters, 12-year-old Addison, has sickle cell disease, which would make her very susceptible to COVID-19.


I have two daughters,” Franklin said. “My one youngest daughter has sickle cell disease so it’s changed dynamics in our family. My wife and kids are going to stay in Florida for the season. And I’m going to be in Happy Valley just because we think that’s the right thing to do for my daughter with sickle cell.”

Franklin confirmed with Gumbel that it means he’ll be away from his family for the rest of the year. Franklin said, “There was a lot of tears. There was a lot of emotion having this conversation with my daughters. So a lot of heartache over it.

Earlier this month, Penn State announced that its football players could begin returning to campus June 8. Penn State is scheduled to open the 2020 season against Kent State Sept. 5 at Beaver Stadium.