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Phil Martelli is not happy with Jamie Luckie

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AP Photo

Last night, St. Joseph’s lost a game at George Washington that could have cemented a bye in the first round of the Atlantic 10 tournament and made their Selection Sunday much less stressful.

Instead, the Hawks lost, in large part due to the 24 free throws that the Colonials shot in the second half.

Phil Martelli, the St. Joseph’s head coach, was not thrilled with the officiating. He was so upset he even called out one referee by name in the postgame press conference.

“We are the third-fewest fouling team in America and they shot 24 fouls shots in the second half,” Martelli said. “He will want his name in the paper. His name is Jamie Luckie: He was the referee.

“Shame on us, we fouled. We gave up 24 foul shots in the second half and I am not sure why we would change in our 29th game, but we did.”

He’ll be making a donation to the Atlantic 10 very soon.