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Jim Boeheim, reporter feud at Final Four press conference (VIDEO)

Jim Boeheim

Questions about Jim Boeheim’s future with Syracuse had drawn attention in the weeks prior to the Final Four, but he appeared to have cleared them up before his team’s matchup with Michigan Saturday night.

But’s Gregg Doyel asked the question again in the video above, drawing the response below:

Q. When do you think you’ll decide, announce, whether or not you’re coming back next year?

BOEHEIM: Why would you ask that question? I expect it from you. I know you. Why ask that question? Are you going to ask John Beilein that question.

(WATCH: Video of the exchange here)

The exchange went back and forth for a few more moments before Boeheim moved on to another question. But he circled back around at the end of the press conference when asked about whether he wanted to coach in the ACC. Boeheim proceeded to go on a pro-ACC tangent. Below are some of his key points:

On the remaining Big East:

“I love the Big East, but if the Big East was the same as it was, or even remotely the same, I would quit because I wouldn’t be happy. The Big East is not there at all. In fact, there’s more Big East teams in the ACC than there are Big East teams in whatever the conference is, American whatever.”

On travel:

“For us to be able to stay on the East Coast, and predominantly all our games are an hour and a half, almost all, and in the Big East, without this crazy expansion, we had to go to Florida, we had to go to Marquette, Notre Dame anyway. So we had long trips. We’ll have the same long trips that we had. When you’re chartering now, it’s mostly an hour, most of these trips.”

On the ACC’s impact on his personal decisions:

“I mean, the ACC has absolutely zero input into whether I would not coach next year. The only reason that I would not coach next year is because I didn’t feel I could do a good job or wanted to do it, and I have no feeling at all now that that will be the case. Usually right now I would have that feeling. If I don’t have it now, I’m not going to have it in September.”

Daniel Martin is a writer and editor at, covering St. John’s. You can find him on Twitter:@DanielJMartin_