How do Celtics' new City Edition jerseys compare to recent versions?

A new season means a new set of threads for the Boston Celtics.

The team on Monday unveiled its alternate "City Edition" uniforms for the 2021-22 season, which the Celtics will debut Nov. 12 in a home game against the Milwaukee Bucks.

The all-green uniform features some special touches that honor the franchise's history as the NBA celebrates its 75th anniversary.

While not a major departure from their traditional green road uniforms, the white transparent shadow font on the green background still puts a nice twist on the team's classic look. If we had to give it a letter grade, we'd go with a solid "B."

But how do these new threads stack up to recent Celtics City Edition uniforms? Here's a quick refresher of what they've gone with in years past:

2020-21: Title banner theme

Nice flex by the Celtics to use the same font featured on their 17 NBA championship banners hanging from the TD Garden rafters. This was among Boston's better jersey offerings.

Our grade: A-

2019-20: Shamrock theme

The Celtics leaned into Boston's strong Irish roots with this one, going with a green-and-gold theme and Celtic-themed font. The color scheme was cool, but the font took some getting used to.

Our grade: C

2018-19: Green, gold and white theme

These threads paid homage to the team's green, gold and white warmups worn during the Larry Bird era in the 1980s. Replacing "Celtics" with "Boston" on the front was also a nice touch. Strong effort here.

Our grade: B+

2017-18: Gray theme

This season marked the second time the team has dabbled with gray alternate uniforms. Would that be our top color choice? No. But at least these didn't have sleeves.

Our grade: C-

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