Seven players Warriors can acquire for trade exception, first-round pick

As the Warriors look to finish reshaping their roster to maximize their current title window, the $17.2 million trade exception they received from the Memphis Grizzlies for Andre Iguodala last summer becomes an important chip.

The Warriors got good news about the exception last week, as it will not expire until Oct. 25.

By now you know some of the most realistic options for the Warriors to use their trade exception for. Ricky Rubio, Rudy Gay and Kelly Oubre Jr. seem to all be logical pieces who the Warriors could acquire in a straight swap for the exception. But the Warriors are allowed to sweeten any deal with a first-round pick or a pick swap, if they have their eyes on a bigger prize.

The Warriors are not allowed to include any other players in the deal and they still can't acquire more than the $17.2 million the exception calls for, but there are some bigger names the Warriors could swing for if they wanted to add a pick or a pick swap.

Many of the available options might not be worth adding the draft capital to acquire and some still will be out of the Warriors' range even with the added pick.

The Warriors want get back to title contention and these players can help them achieve that. But are they worth the added price tag? That's for the Bob Myers to decide.


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