My fatigue is most likely self-imposed as I carry constantly a huge sense of responsibility for everyones safe return home. Fifty miles per hour crosswinds, pelting rain, oozing mud as well as a too much time at the wheel has taken a toll on me.
Things I dont need to have happen to us happen in rapid succession. Im not looking for humor. I am looking for Valium. You dont need to know what happens next, but Ill tell you as we try and set up for an interview at the Corn Palace.
A better first day than anyone expected from the way it started. I took over driving at about 2pm after we chewed on Subways in some Wisconsin town the name of which we never learned.
What have I REALLY gotten myself into!!!! Here its T-84 and I was thinkin all is cool, baby, but noooooo, my travelling companions are starting to mumble.
Its important that you get to know Mike. But Im guessing youll only get to know him vaguely. Thats the way most people did ' vaguely, just a little bit, mostly lovingly, and, ultimately, with frustration.
This is a story about four buddies who drive to the Arctic Circle to play golf. One of them is dead. It is more than just a road trip with the guys. It is about friendship, loss, discovery and adventure.
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