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Golf Fitness Magazine

Besides being convenient and tasty, nuts and seeds have a variety of health benefits.
The right amount and combination of carbs is essential for maintaining energy on the golf course.
Enter the off-season with a workout plan that will have you hitting it further, straighter and shooting lower scores in 2011.
At 72 years old, Gary Player is as fit as most people 40 years younger. It’s kept his golf game young as well.
Avoid injury by loosening up your muscles effectively through these simple stretching techniques.
For stretching to be beneficial to your game, you should also take the time to do so during your round.
The gluteal muscles are essential for power and stability during the golf swing.
To maintain proper balance in your golf swing, you have to start with a solid foundation.
Welcome to Back to Basics, a four week series of basic, effective yoga poses.
Creating symmetry within the body, as it relates to C Posture, is essential to improving your swing.
Re-educate Your Wrists for a Better Impact Position
Understanding and strengthening your core is important to improving your golf game.
Glutes are key when it comes to the golf swing. The gluteal muscles are essential for power and stability during the golf swing.
If you are looking for a way to improve your golf game, you may want to try a new healthcare system called Body Talk.
If golf is your only form of exercise then you are doing your golf game and your body a disservice.
If youre one of those golfers who tend to fall apart on the back nine, you need to focus your strength and conditioning efforts towards endurance.
A solid junior fitness program is imperative to ensure your junior has safe and effective sports performance.
When it comes to strength training for a junior athlete, its important to choose the best training techniques and methods that are the safest and most beneficial for their developing bodies.
There are numerous common knee injuries related to golf. Basic knowledge of knee anatomy is required to understand golf-related injuries.
Current PGA Tour players have embraced the concept of fitness and have revolutionized professional golf.
Here we will show you a series of Balance Ball Yoga exercises for golfers.
When a junior golfer begins resistance training, it is important to choose activities that match their structural changes, genetics and their body types.
When a junior golfer begins resistance training, it is important to choose activities that match their structural changes, genetics and their body types.
What does your warm up routine look like before you make your first swing of the day?