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Brandel Chamblee

Phil Mickelson cares a lot about his media rights, but apparently not so much about human rights.
Tim Rosaforte was a HOF journalist, but he was also a person who cared for others with a sense of compassion.
Tiger Woods has always been coming back. As he orchestrates his latest, from near death, he still possesses the power to change lives.
Brandel Chamblee knows about collapses like Lexi Thompson’s at the U.S. Women’s Open all too well.
The distance debate will reignite quickly in 2021. But we don’t need a rollback of equipment; it’s a ‘rising up’ that we need.
While width and angles might make for a more fun U.S. Open, thick rough and narrow fairways will separate the men from the boys.
Brandel Chamblee takes some time while sequestered at home to talk about his start at Golf Channel nearly 20 years ago.
After some time to fully digest the Distance Insights Report and listen to arguments made, here are a few counterpoints worth projecting.
Brandel Chamblee reveals his top 25 most impactful moments of the last 25 years. Here’s a look at Nos. 21-25.
Brandel Chamblee reveals his top 25 most impactful moments of the last 25 years. Here’s a look at Nos. 16-20.
Brandel Chamblee reveals his top 25 most impactful moments of the last 25 years. Here’s a look at Nos. 11-15.
Brandel Chamblee reveals his top 25 most impactful moments of the last 25 years. Here’s a look at Nos. 6-10.
Brandel Chamblee reveals his top 25 most impactful moments of the last 25 years. Here’s a look at Nos. 1-5.
Tiger Woods and Bernhard Langer are modern marvels, two players who not only overcame the yips, but did so in historic fashion.
The Matt Kuchar-caddie controversy that erupted over Twitter last week didn’t paint a full picture and, really, shouldn’t have been brought to public light.
The Match was supposed shows us a side of Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson that we had never seen. It was supposed to grow the game. It did neither.
The reason Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson have underperformed in the Ryder Cup might just be found in ancient Greek mythology.
After years spent talking instead of competing, it was something special to qualify for The Senior Open on the Old Course. There were also trials and tribulation.
Golf teachers have long been hampered by the fact that what a student feels is rarely real. But the distance explosion suggests that many have solved the problem.
Once upon a time, professionals needed both distance and accuracy to win. The latter is no longer a necessity. How did we get here?
Watching Alvaro Quiros finish second this past week in Morocco, I was reminded of just how rare it is for player to come back from the depths of golf hell.
Does being famous mean you know how to teach? The best way to identify the best teachers is to ditch opinions and embrace objective data.
Justin Thomas was the Player of the Year. But, from Jordan, to Tiger, to Dustin, to Lexi, to the ball debate, the spotlight shone on many.
Another Tiger Woods comeback, another Tiger Woods swing change. Here’s an analytical look at the previous swings Tiger has employed in his otherworldly career.