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Lions wisely extend their key young players sooner than later

The Lions have several key young players. They’ve wisely commenced the process of extending their contracts.

With receiver Amon-Ra St. Brown and tackle Penei Sewell finishing only three NFL seasons, both have gotten long-term rewards.

It’s smart. It’s prudent. It shows the players that their contributions are appreciated and valued. It also locks in the contracts at a price that definitely will not get any lower over time.

As to St. Brown, whose deal came to light before Sewell’s, the fact that he wasn’t a first-round pick created urgency. But then Sewell, who had both a fourth year under contract and an inevitable fifth-year option to go, got his deal, too.

This is a great development for the Lions. It shows that they currently are the opposite of dysfunctional. They’re identifying their key young talent who haven’t gotten a significant financial reward, and they’re addressing it. Now. Not later.

Not after more leaves fall or cards turn or whatever metaphor Jerry Jones would use to justify pinching pennies. Because the reality is that it will take a lot more pennies later, if it’s not done now.

In matters such as this, time is never on the team’s side. So get the deal done. Reward the great players. And then, when the opportunity arises to go “all-in,” the Lions will have the chips to do it.

Unlike the owners keeps saying “all-in” like a parrot that is capable of saying the word but unable to comprehend what it means.