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Collusion grievance over fully-guaranteed quarterback contracts goes to trial this summer

The NFL’s summer of law continues. Beyond the ongoing Sunday Ticket trial, another potentially significant piece of litigation is looming.

In 2022, the union filed a collusion grievance regarding the claim that teams are colluding as to fully-guaranteed contracts with certain quarterbacks. Per multiple sources, the grievance will go to trial before a system arbitrator in July and August.

The system arbitrator is Christopher F. Droney, a former federal judge at both the district court and appellate level. He served from 1997 through 2019.

He was jointly hired by the NFL and the NFL Players Association. This decision carries with it an implicit presumption from both sides that he will be fair.

The grievance, we’re told, focuses on contracts negotiated in 2022 and 2023.

Unlike the Sunday Ticket trial, the collusion grievance won’t be an open proceeding. There won’t be media reports regarding testimony or other developments in the case. We might not even know who the witnesses will be.

The grievance reportedly was sparked by the handling of Lamar Jackson’s contract. The Ravens didn’t re-sign him before applying the non-exclusive franchise tag, and after they did no other team made him an offer.

The reaction to the contract the Browns gave to Deshaun Watson likely will be an issue. The five-year, fully-guaranteed deal ruffled plenty of feathers when it was signed in March 2022.

Absent a settlement, there will be a ruling. The ruling will be final, with very limited options for judicial review.