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Catch up on the full week of #PFTPM

Every summer, PFT Live shuts down for a few weeks, during the s-s-s-s-slow time for the NFL. That’s when #PFTPM activates.

The one-man band of a podcast, which features yours truly rambling for anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes, shows up on most weekdays when PFT Live is off. For the first of the PFT Live hiatus, #PFTPM went five-for-five in the #NoDaysOff category.

Here are links to each episode: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Friday.

It’ll be harder to keep the streak alive this week, but there will at least be three episodes. And there will be fresh content posted every day here at PFT, continuing a streak of new-stuff-every-single-day that dates back to January 1, 2004.

Thanks as always for your time. There are many choices out there. Thanks for choosing to read, watch, or listen to the stuff we add to the broader NFL conversation.